This tutorial explains how to create lag variables in pandas using gold and silver price data from rdatasets.


The documentation for each package used in this tutorial is linked below:

import statsmodels.api as sm
import pandas as pd

Create initial dataset

The data is from rdatasets imported using the Python package statsmodels.

df = sm.datasets.get_rdataset('GoldSilver', 'AER').data.reset_index().rename(columns={'index': 'date'})

df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(

Lag Variables

Create lag variables, using the shift function. shift(1) creates a lag of a single record, while shift(5) creates a lag of five records.

df.sort_values('date', inplace=True)
df['silver_lag_1'] = df['silver'].shift(1)
df['silver_lag_5'] = df['silver'].shift(5)


	date	gold	silver	silver_lag_1	silver_lag_5
0	1977-12-30	100.00	223.42	NaN	NaN
1	1978-01-02	100.00	223.42	223.42	NaN
2	1978-01-03	100.00	229.84	223.42	NaN
3	1978-01-04	100.00	224.58	229.84	NaN
4	1978-01-05	100.00	227.99	224.58	NaN
5	1978-01-06	100.00	227.19	227.99	223.42
6	1978-01-09	101.23	229.62	227.19	223.42
7	1978-01-10	100.95	228.97	229.62	229.84
8	1978-01-11	102.25	231.22	228.97	224.58
9	1978-01-12	100.88	227.89	231.22	227.99
10	1978-01-13	102.62	232.55	227.89	227.19
11	1978-01-16	103.09	232.49	232.55	229.62
12	1978-01-17	101.78	230.18	232.49	228.97
13	1978-01-18	100.87	227.96	230.18	231.22
14	1978-01-19	101.70	228.88	227.96	227.89
15	1978-01-20	101.72	228.92	228.88	232.55
16	1978-01-23	103.62	234.00	228.92	232.49
17	1978-01-24	103.59	233.63	234.00	230.18
18	1978-01-25	103.55	234.50	233.63	227.96
19	1978-01-26	103.28	231.49	234.50	228.88

This creates a lag variable based on the prior observations, but shift can also take a time offset to specify the time to use in shift. For example, 1D and 5D can be used to lag by 1 and 5 days respectively.

First, a datetime index must be created from date.

df.set_index('date', inplace=True)

df['silver_lag_1d'] = df['silver'].shift(freq='1D')
df['silver_lag_5d'] = df['silver'].shift(freq='5D')


	gold	silver	silver_lag_1	silver_lag_5	silver_lag_1d	silver_lag_5d
1977-12-30	100.00	223.42	NaN	NaN	NaN	NaN
1978-01-02	100.00	223.42	223.42	NaN	NaN	NaN
1978-01-03	100.00	229.84	223.42	NaN	223.42	NaN
1978-01-04	100.00	224.58	229.84	NaN	229.84	223.42
1978-01-05	100.00	227.99	224.58	NaN	224.58	NaN
1978-01-06	100.00	227.19	227.99	223.42	227.99	NaN
1978-01-09	101.23	229.62	227.19	223.42	NaN	224.58
1978-01-10	100.95	228.97	229.62	229.84	229.62	227.99
1978-01-11	102.25	231.22	228.97	224.58	228.97	227.19
1978-01-12	100.88	227.89	231.22	227.99	231.22	NaN
1978-01-13	102.62	232.55	227.89	227.19	227.89	NaN
1978-01-16	103.09	232.49	232.55	229.62	NaN	231.22
1978-01-17	101.78	230.18	232.49	228.97	232.49	227.89
1978-01-18	100.87	227.96	230.18	231.22	230.18	232.55
1978-01-19	101.70	228.88	227.96	227.89	227.96	NaN
1978-01-20	101.72	228.92	228.88	232.55	228.88	NaN
1978-01-23	103.62	234.00	228.92	232.49	NaN	227.96
1978-01-24	103.59	233.63	234.00	230.18	234.00	228.88
1978-01-25	103.55	234.50	233.63	227.96	233.63	228.92
1978-01-26	103.28	231.49	234.50	228.88	234.50	NaN

No-code/low-code data prep and visualization

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